Can you suggest which are the highest paid jobs 2020?

Asked by Ankit Agrawal | 4th of April 2020

career counselling career guidance

21 Answers

Ankit Agrawal

5th of April 2020 | 2 Likes


Following are highest payed jobs in 2020

Data science

Artificial intelligence

Investment Banker

Actuarial Science

Medical Science 

Chartered Accountant 

Internet of things



5th of April 2020

????? ?????

Aiswarya Sundarajan | B.E, M.E, PGDPPTTC, CCA...

7th of April 2020 | 2 Likes

The following are the highest paid professions(2020) according to me

6.Data scientists, professionals
8.Digital Marketeers
10. Online Tutors
11. Machine learning professionals
12. Robotics Engineers
13. Teachers
14. Chartered Accountants

Atul Srivastava | MPhil, MSc, PGDHRM, PGD G...

27th of April 2020 | 2 Likes


Some high paying jobs in 2020 are listed below:-

Data Scientists

Machine Learning Experts

Software Developers / IT System Managers

Management Consultants

Investment Bankers /CAs


Surgeon/ Physician/ Dentist

Corporate Lawyers

Gaurav Arora

27th of April 2020

Totally wrong.Illetrate

Srishti Mahendro

2nd of May 2020 | 2 Likes


1-MARKETING/ DIGITAL MARKETING: No matter how much effort you put into your project, it is of no use if the product is not marketed efficiently. For Example, have you ever noticed the advertisements on your Instagram & Facebook? (utilizing the social platforms) Or heavy sale offers in showrooms during festivals (attracting the audience personally). This is the work of a marketer!

Average Earning:  INR 70,000- INR 1,50,000

2- DATA ANALYSIS: From the websites, you visit how much time you spend on various sites; the data analytics are continuously analyzing all kind of data. Their work is to come up with the conclusion after analyzing to help their company. Similarly, they analyse any sort of data and find work from startups to big companies. Average Earning: INR 50,000 – 1,50,000

 3- BLOGGING/ YouTubing:  Eat, Click, Post!   Pose, Click, Post!
Bloggers and YouTubers are new generation influencers and have captured the position of the most popular career among the youth in just a couple of years. From food to the fashion industry or even travel, they are all over the place. Average Earning:  INR: 50,000- 3,00,000 (Varies according to your popularity)

 4- DIETICIANS AND HEALTHCARE: To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art.”
With the world becoming health-conscious, our dieticians and nutritionists have again made it to the top trending careers. Everyone wants to be fit!  Average Earning: INR 25,000- 1,00,000

 5- ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: Tesla – the self-driving car has made headlines in the past few months is a perfect example of artificial intelligence. Likewise, the flying drones, Siri and face recognition in cell phones are also the product of the AI. It is also expected that AI will replace 12% of human jobs by 2025. Average Earning: INR 60,000- 2,00,000.

You can read more high paying careers on Highest Paid Jobs In India

Work hard!

NuSkillz Academy | Corporate Trainer & Mento...

7th of April 2020 | 2 Likes


Artificial Intelligence


Data Science

Pilot ( Limited Opportunities )



Online Marketing ( Digital )

Career Counselor.


